Infringement contentions represents patent claims in a detailed manner thereby allowing the court to infer wrongdoing by the infringer. While a greater burden is placed on the plaintiff to develop and reveal these facts early in the case, this requirement also allows the plaintiff to influence the court through favorable claim interpretations, claim charts, and claim contentions before the infringer has a chance to develop contrary facts.
Literal infringement remains the mainstay in patent infringement pleadings, but there are many other claims a plaintiff can plead including: the doctrine of equivalents, joint infringement, inducement, contributory infringement, and willful infringement.
Patentee Enforcement Action began with infringement contention. Evidence of use and deep technical analysis gives phenomenal support during patent litigation. Prometheus IP helps in identifying the most important claims to assert and formulating solid infringement support.
Prometheus IP has well versed experience in preparing detailed infringement contentions and evidence of use claim charts on over 50+ patent litigation matters. We understand the burden of proof our clients must satisfy - and work hard to make sure that our claim charts are not only thorough, but are also on time and fully explain technical concepts in an easy-to-understand format provided by our experts.