CBD Oil - is something that the whole world is mumbling. Is it an Addiction or a Wonder Drug? Well, few years back, no one knew what CBD oil was, and, now in 2019, it is everywhere in the form of lotions, capsules, edible gummies and bottled water.
CBD Oil - is something that the whole world is mumbling. Is it an Addiction or a Wonder Drug? Well, few years back, no one knew what CBD oil was, and, now in 2019, it is everywhere in the form of lotions, capsules, edible gummies and bottled water.
Music is present in every culture, nation and had been varying with time. Music being a form of expression has continued to be re-invented throughout the years. Music is, in fact, about originality but now it has spread globally.
XIAOMI, world's fourth-largest smartphone manufacturer made a name for themselves 8 years ago by offering an iPhone (quality) product for an affordable price. They have been able to provide high-end designs for less than half the cost and soon, the Chinese consumers learned that instead of spending huge amount for a mid-range phone from high-end brands, they could instead get a Xiaomi phone with specifications and performance that were better than the mid-range phone.
Blockchain has become a buzz word being heard in different innovation sectors. Our future economy will be much more decentralized with Block chain. In this article we will look at how the Blockchain could unlock the new cutting-edge technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Both technologies create new unimaginable business solutions with steady and transparent transactions without human intervention.
Blockchain is used for various applications; one among is verification of academic certificates and work resumes. In present world, the student records are transmitted mostly in paper form, even if they are presented as PDF, we are still living in a paper based economy of student records.
Interaction with GUI is a part of our everyday life through phones, computers, gaming devices and other electronic devices. GUIs are simple icons, screen layout, and visual signals that we utilize to control these devices.
What kind of future does everyone prefer to have- Future confined to one planet or a multi-planet species? Our option for being a multi-planet species is MARS where conditions are slightly similar to Earth. When scientists have confirmed the existence of water on Mars, it raised the possibility of Human life moving to the red planet.
The Artificial Intelligence is progressing rapidly. It has the potential to revolutionize the human civilization that will impact industries, companies and how we live our life. For every couple of weeks, there’s an unexpected development that takes people by surprise. This makes clear that we are near to the start of new era. Artificial Intelligence is gaining incredible power, more than ever before in human history.
The European Commission's antitrust chief, MARGRETHE VESTAGER, is one of the continent's most powerful women who regulates commercial activity across Europe. Margrethe Vestager believes in free speech, free assembly, free trade- and choices free from undue influence. She is known for both- Niceness and toughness.
Science is reinventing the human body. Scientists are growing novel technologies that are not foreseen or anticipated by the nature. I believe it is the appropriate time to talk about the Prosthetic technology. Bionics & Prosthetics explore the interplay between biology and design.